Step 1
Create a new 1000 x 500 px document. Set the Foreground color to #3497b6 and the Background color to #97d5e6. Pick the Gradient Tool, choose the Foreground to Background gradient, and click the Linear Gradient icon in the Options bar at the top. Then, click and drag from the top to the bottom of the document to create the gradient.Step 2
Create the text in white using the font Arial Black. In the Character panel (Window -> Character), set the Size to 350 pt and the Tracking value to 100.Step 3
Pick the Brush Tool, set the Foreground color to white, create a new layer on top of the text layer and call it “Clouds”.Step 4
Right click the text layer and choose Create Work Path.- Brush Tip Shape:
Step 5
Pick the Direct Selection Tool, select the “Clouds” layer so that it is the active layer, right click the work path and choose Stroke Path.Step 6
Create a new layer right on top of the Background layer and change its Opacity to a value around 30%. Then, pick some of the cloud brushes again to add some clouds on that layer.Final Image
Hope you enjoyed the tutorial.Oleh: Vania Hefira
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